Support widescreen. Simple as that. If I upload a video in 16:9 format, it should broadcast (including in high definition) in 16:9. I shouldn't have to add letterboxing or change my video to 4:3 before upload. Let's get with the times, YouTube.
I read some of the posts and couldn’t help notice how we want to find blame on why our dogs died. I don’t think it helps anyone to blame anyone or anything for why we lost our loving pets. Especially since we can’t go back and change the past. I agree that we need to focus on the joy and times we had with them. The article points out wat we can do to find closure in ths devastating event. I am going to try to get over my grief and become stronger from it.
This is probably the most effective I have noticed info page! I’m seriously very incorrect messages served from the advertising, which is why for an extended time merely check out your web page!
councilors know what you think of their bullying tactics!i tip my hat to jim ogston who is, in my opinion, a most articulte and intelligent individual who doesn’t just blurt his opinion (sound familiar CAPCS), but backs it up with intelligent facts! perhaps CAPCS and a few council members should learn from mr. ogston! to the medhatblog, there are times i vehemently disagree with you, but on this subject you were right on the money and called people out on their generalizations and their rants that had no hard facts!congratulations medhatblog and the couragous citizens of med hat
rotld e sub umbrela ICI. Probabil o plângere de gen poate fi făcută direct la ICI. Pentru domenii sunt delegați de către ICANN dar nu ICANN sunt responsabili.
Hi Natahlie.Your spinning is beautyful, and I think it would be great if I could buy a kit with: one amazing design af yours, and your own handspun yarn, to knit it
it better! There’s nothing worse than being fake in social media (or in real life). One of the things I always say on this topic is “be real”. Be yourself, be real, don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right, and for the love of marketing, do NOT buy people!
Y ese es un ejemplo más de lo contradictoria y ambigua que es la biblia y tu religión. Un dios omnisciente no tiene la necesidad de dictar leyes que más tarde modificara. Por cierto, segun tu religion esa deidad tambien es inmutable. Algo que ademas quita coherencia a todo el contexto de tener que presentarse en forma humana para modificar leyes que el mismo dio por validas aneriormente. O el dios bÃÂblico es cortito de mente, o hipócrita o bipolar: elige.
Hi,So I’ve watched a japanese tv show about a young woman teacher who teaches the japanese language to a group of students. This group is almost all foreigners (gaijin). This show is a comedy, they always ask question about the language making the language seems so hard. But the main caracter is the woman teacher. The problem is a don’t know what is the title of this show anymore! I’ve whatched this show on youtube.Thank you for you help!
Dariusz Rosiak, dziennikarz radiowej Trójki============Ja kojarzę go własnie z Trójki, gdzie prowadził coś o nazwie "Raport o stanie świata" czy jakoś tak.Niby o sprawach poważnych a nawet ciekawych ale zrobione tak, że było to mdłe, bez polotu, pazura i skłaniało do rychłego przestrojenia na inną stację, choćby tam grali disco-polo.Sam Rosiak zresztą ma beznamiętny głos, jakby opowiadał komuś o, bo ja wiem... o odkurzaniu.
We fully appreciate your website post. You can find a lot of techniques we could put it to great use while having little or no effort on time and financial resources. Thank you really with regard to helping make the post answer many issues we have got before now.
pepsi ilk elli yılını rakibi gibi logo yapmaya vermiÅŸ bakmış olmuyor sonraki yıllarda sıradan logolar yapmış, ama 1973 yılındaki logo fena deÄŸildi, son logo felaket smiley falan deÄŸil, ÅŸiÅŸman göbekli bir obez çocuÄŸun açıkta kalmış göbeÄŸinden esinlenmiÅŸler! bu tarz bir karikatürünü görmüştümde…
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 11:11:17 -1100
ta bom ta bom vou dizer o que era aquilo , simplesmente um balão caixote se é que vcs conheça um balão caixote, sabe destes que se solta em festas juninas, repare que na parte de baixo é aberta , onde ficaria a vareta para prender a bucha.rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrrrrrrrrrsrsrsrsrsrsrs.
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 09:37:07 -1100
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 09:36:54 -1100
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 06:49:38 -1100
Support widescreen. Simple as that. If I upload a video in 16:9 format, it should broadcast (including in high definition) in 16:9. I shouldn't have to add letterboxing or change my video to 4:3 before upload. Let's get with the times, YouTube.
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 06:31:13 -1100
I read some of the posts and couldn’t help notice how we want to find blame on why our dogs died. I don’t think it helps anyone to blame anyone or anything for why we lost our loving pets. Especially since we can’t go back and change the past. I agree that we need to focus on the joy and times we had with them. The article points out wat we can do to find closure in ths devastating event. I am going to try to get over my grief and become stronger from it.
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 03:56:51 -1100
This is probably the most effective I have noticed info page! I’m seriously very incorrect messages served from the advertising, which is why for an extended time merely check out your web page!
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 03:01:02 -1100
councilors know what you think of their bullying tactics!i tip my hat to jim ogston who is, in my opinion, a most articulte and intelligent individual who doesn’t just blurt his opinion (sound familiar CAPCS), but backs it up with intelligent facts! perhaps CAPCS and a few council members should learn from mr. ogston! to the medhatblog, there are times i vehemently disagree with you, but on this subject you were right on the money and called people out on their generalizations and their rants that had no hard facts!congratulations medhatblog and the couragous citizens of med hat
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 02:11:05 -1100
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 02:10:52 -1100
Tue, 07 Feb 2017 02:10:27 -1100
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 22:07:16 -1100
rotld e sub umbrela ICI. Probabil o plângere de gen poate fi făcută direct la ICI. Pentru domenii sunt delegați de către ICANN dar nu ICANN sunt responsabili.
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 20:39:52 -1100
Hi Natahlie.Your spinning is beautyful, and I think it would be great if I could buy a kit with: one amazing design af yours, and your own handspun yarn, to knit it
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 18:37:11 -1100
it better! There’s nothing worse than being fake in social media (or in real life). One of the things I always say on this topic is “be real”. Be yourself, be real, don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right, and for the love of marketing, do NOT buy people!
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 13:14:03 -1100
Y ese es un ejemplo más de lo contradictoria y ambigua que es la biblia y tu religión. Un dios omnisciente no tiene la necesidad de dictar leyes que más tarde modificara. Por cierto, segun tu religion esa deidad tambien es inmutable. Algo que ademas quita coherencia a todo el contexto de tener que presentarse en forma humana para modificar leyes que el mismo dio por validas aneriormente. O el dios bÃÂblico es cortito de mente, o hipócrita o bipolar: elige.
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 06:01:33 -1100
Hi,So I’ve watched a japanese tv show about a young woman teacher who teaches the japanese language to a group of students. This group is almost all foreigners (gaijin). This show is a comedy, they always ask question about the language making the language seems so hard. But the main caracter is the woman teacher. The problem is a don’t know what is the title of this show anymore! I’ve whatched this show on youtube.Thank you for you help!
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 01:47:41 -1100
i umiał dać wyraz w godny sposób, tak?to już chyba lepiej, żeby - pardon - narysował laurkę pamięci Żołnierza i wysłał RodzinieNie wiem czy na pewno mi schlebia, że porównujesz moje możliwości do potencjału Radka Sikorskiego....
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 00:07:31 -1100
Que bom que gostou, mamadi.Falei pro João que o pai deve ter ficado com ciúme. heheheTambém te amamos. Você e todo mundo que deixamos aà e que sentimos MUITA saudade.Obrigada você por existir.Beijooos,Hira e Genrodi. hehe
Sun, 05 Feb 2017 23:30:36 -1100
Dariusz Rosiak, dziennikarz radiowej Trójki============Ja kojarzę go własnie z Trójki, gdzie prowadził coś o nazwie "Raport o stanie świata" czy jakoś tak.Niby o sprawach poważnych a nawet ciekawych ale zrobione tak, że było to mdłe, bez polotu, pazura i skłaniało do rychłego przestrojenia na inną stację, choćby tam grali disco-polo.Sam Rosiak zresztą ma beznamiętny głos, jakby opowiadał komuś o, bo ja wiem... o odkurzaniu.
Sun, 05 Feb 2017 23:19:43 -1100
We fully appreciate your website post. You can find a lot of techniques we could put it to great use while having little or no effort on time and financial resources. Thank you really with regard to helping make the post answer many issues we have got before now.
Sun, 05 Feb 2017 20:59:38 -1100
pepsi ilk elli yılını rakibi gibi logo yapmaya vermiÅŸ bakmış olmuyor sonraki yıllarda sıradan logolar yapmış, ama 1973 yılındaki logo fena deÄŸildi, son logo felaket smiley falan deÄŸil, ÅŸiÅŸman göbekli bir obez çocuÄŸun açıkta kalmış göbeÄŸinden esinlenmiÅŸler! bu tarz bir karikatürünü görmüştümde…