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MichaelEdich said:
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 18:24:40 -1100

<B>About bitcoin and its anonymity</B>

Bitcoin is an electronic currency that is perfect for making purchases and conducting various financial transactions. Using bitcoin, your transaction will not appear in the registers of banks or other fiscal institutions. But still, it will be reflected in the open ledger, the database that stores all Bitcoin transactions ever made. This will be enough to indirectly track the owner of the wallet, for example, when withdrawing funds to real money.

<a href=https://blenderbtc.net><B>Blenderio</B></a><B> Bitcoin mixers</B>
Bitcoin Mixer is a service that confuses traces and makes it as difficult as possible to identify the owner of a bitcoin wallet. The fewer people who know the address and balance of your wallet, the better. It is for this task that mixers are suitable that do an excellent job of their task.

<B>The principle of operation of mixers</B>
There are several types of bitcoin mixers - centralized and decentralized.
We are most interested in the principle of operation of centralized mixers. To confuse the traces, you send the cryptocurrency to the address of the service, which is further divided into parts and sent to the reserve. From the reserve, coins sent earlier by other users or taken from various crypto exchanges are sent to your new wallet (all this happens in such a way that you will never get your own coins back).

<B>Is it legal to </B><a href=https://btc-anonim.com/><B>mix coins</B></a><B>?</B>
Each country has its own laws regarding cryptocurrency, but so far in most states they are quite legal.
If you want to keep your transactions and funds in your wallets anonymous, you need a mixer.
I will give one, but a proven service that I have personally been using for more than a year, and which has proven itself only positively:

<a href=https://blenderbtc.net><B>Blender.io</B></a> - Convenient and reliable service. At the same time, it has the most simple and intuitive interface. The system provides a letter of guarantee for each transaction for the most secure use of the service. BlenderBTC also ensures that user information remains hidden from third parties. The mixer provides a high degree of data protection through the use of advanced encryption methods.

<B>Briefly about the service</B>:

Minimum transaction - 0.001 BTC
Commission 0.6% - 3% + 0.0003 BTC per address
Logs are not saved
There is a mixing time delay. It is possible to choose the delay yourself.
Letter of guarantee present
Convenient and clear interface

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Thu, 04 Aug 2022 02:12:50 -1100

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- только интересная, честная, правдивая информация, которая понравится каждому;
- регулярно добавляется новый контент;
- новости на самые разные темы;
- записи сопровождаются картинкой.

Вся информация нацелена на то, чтобы поднять уровень интеллекта, развить чувство прекрасного и помочь вам интересно и с пользой провести время. На сайте точно понравится как представителю рабочих профессий, так и учителям, бизнесменам, студентам, которые жадно впитывают всю информацию. Материал можно назвать эксклюзивным, ведь он присутствует только на этом портале. Для того чтобы не упустить интересные моменты, обязательно добавляйте портал в закладки. Специалисты сайта предпринимают все возможное, чтобы вы оставались с ними, а потому имеется материал «топ», а также лонгриды, истории, новости из сферы культуры и другое. Заходите на сайт почаще, чтобы получить больше удовольствия от просмотра и прокачать свои знания.

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